Eileen’s presence as a coach is defined by her strong relationship skills, direct style, and the trust that is built into her relationships. Her executive search practice has provided organizational knowledge of structure, effectiveness, reporting relationships, effective and poor leadership, and shown her what motivates people to stay or leave their organizations. Eileen has used the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal tool in her searches as well as in her coaching. The measures for self-awareness, self-management, social competence and relationship management provide a benchmark in assessing a client/candidate’s ability to develop and manage relationships in all areas of their lives.
What Eileen brings to her coaching practice
- More than 30 years of organizational knowledge, a sensitivity to cultural differences and an ability to build rapport and gain trust
- An advocacy of the coaching client, affirming stated needs, possible obstacles and creating strategies to attain the shifts/changes that are needed
- An open communication style and a sensitivity, at all times, to the confidential nature of the coaching relationship
- A fundamental belief that leadership skills can be taught and nurtured and that assessment and feedback are critical to that outcome
- The knowledge that it can take a community to develop a leader – involvement of the sponsors (HR & Business Leaders) and the coaching client all working together. All have a role to play in the coaching engagement and to effecting change
What Eileen delivers to her clients:
- Prior to starting the engagement, Eileen meets with the prospective client to understand the coaching objectives in what is called a chemistry meeting. Based on the transparent and close working relationship between the coach and the client, there needs to be a comfort level on both sides.
- Establishing a trusting relationship with the client which fosters dialogue that will move the engagement forward.
- Consistent communication with the client and sponsor, always ensuring that there is a confidential/discreet relationship with the client
- An ability to gather data/feedback through the 360 process; active stakeholder participation throughout the coaching process which elicits deep information and creates a stake in the outcome
A typical coaching engagement will:
- Determine areas of focus for development which includes ensuring that the stated need(s) are fully aligned with both the client and business/HR sponsors
- Identify stakeholders and clarify their roles in the engagement
- Create the boundaries of confidentiality
- Create a timeline on the coaching process – data/information gathering, feedback/360, administering the Hogan Assessment/delivering the feedback and creating a development plan to move toward completion
- Ongoing communication with stakeholders with a vested interest in the outcome. This of course if done with the coaching clients complete knowledge and approval based on the confidential nature of the engagement.
Certifications / Assessment Tools
Professional coaching training and certification from iCoach Global and Baruch College.
Eileen is certified in the Hogan Assessment Tool for both her search and executive coaching practice.
The EQ-i 2.0 is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence, applying decades of research for support effective human performance and development.